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Writer's picturePollyAnna Burton

The Pleasure of Partnership

Jump on board with PollyAnnamazing and the creative women co-founders behind CBD Stat brand products, Morgan and Leah. Join them as they discuss how their partnership and passion for affordable and effective analgesic CBD products has turned into a business that does not only help them but, benefits others in so many ways. If you are a fan of learning from women entrepreneurs and are curious if CBD Stat is for you or your pets then join us and let's see what we can dig up!!!!

Curious about CBD?

Start by looking at the strength and dosage of CBD Products. CBD Stat specializes in extra-strength products at the most affordable price you can find!

Find out:

  • The difference between CBD and THC

  • Why CBD is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatories and why its better for you than an NSAID

  • PLUS Leah and Morgan's experience with becoming partners and entrepreneurs in a brand new business during the pandemic!

About CBD Stat

CBD Stat is manufactured right here in New England, by New Englanders. We are a family-owned business that takes great pride in sourcing all of our hemp from organic farmers and co-ops in Vermont. Our products are also formulated with the highest quality ingredients from local suppliers all over New England. It was with some good old-fashioned Yankee ingenuity by our team of chemical engineers from MIT, Northeastern, UMass Amherst, and WPI that led us to the invention of our proprietary extraction technology, which enables us to make the highest strength CBD products on the market at the lowest price. We are New England Proud and hope that it shows in the quality and effectiveness of our products. From our family to yours, thank you!

Learn more HERE


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